Fairy Godmother Tycoon MEDIAFIRE

Fairy Godmother Tycoon MEDIAFIRE
Fairy Godmother Tycoon MEDIAFIRE| 39.35MB
Climb the ranks of the Fairy Godmothers operation in this unique, easy-to-play game featuring cheeky new takes on fairytale favorites.
Set up shop in different villages across the land. Check the weather forecast each day to find out which curses will strike the peasant village. Buy supplies and upgrades to create magic potions, set your prices, manage your inventory and hire contractors to help move your product. Sell your potions at top dollars and put the competition out of business. Start building your empire in Fairy Godmother Tycoon today!
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 2000/XP/VISTA/7
CPU: 600MHz or faster Processor
RAM: 128 MB
Fairy Godmother Tycoon MEDIAFIRE
Fairy Godmother Tycoon MEDIAFIRE
Fairy Godmother Tycoon MEDIAFIRE
Game Size : 39.35MB
Download : Fairy Godmother Tycoon MEDIAFIRE


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